Friday 18 June 2010

How you can Make Your Voice Deeper - A top notch Deep Voice Training Manual

A way to Make Your Voice Deeper - An excellent Deep Voice Training Guidebook

Do you want to learn how to make your voice deeper? Do you want to get a top notch deep voce training guide that may aid you deepen your voice and give you a strong deep and sexy voice tone you've always wanted to have? This informative article will go through some 7 practices you can use to achieve that goal.

1- Eradicate your stress: Tension or stress could cause the neck muscles to tightened thereby producing high pitched voice sounds that are really not pleasant to listen to. Your vocal chords will produce a deeper voice tone when they are loose and relaxed.

2- Get a great night sleep: sometimes when you get up in the morning, you could notice that your voice is deeper than usual. When you get a good night sleep, the larynx spends hours just relaxing, and the result of this is that the muscles start vibrating at the right tone for which they were built. Vocal chords need to relax completely so as to produce deep and good sounding voice tones. When you get ready to go to bed, apply some Vicks VapoRub to your chest. This will help relax your vocal chords through the night and will allow you to maintain that deep morning voice through the day.

3- Practice speaking slowly: This permits your voice to resonate and helps it vibrate down in the chest. Learning how to make your voice deeper will always entail that you learn how to talk slowly too.

4- Strengthen your neck muscle: When the muscles around your vocal chords tighten, your voice ends up sounding higher than it actually is. If you want to talk with a squeaky voice, then that is a good place to tackle. However, if you wish to talk with a deep, strong and sexy voice which many would love to listen to, then strengthen your neck muscles, and you will get your voice sounding deeper.

5- Do some simple breathing exercises: Practice breathing with your diaphragm rather than the shallow breathing you do with your chest. Your abs shouldn't flex if you do this. Try to make it as natural as possible. After practicing for some time, this kind of breathing will became your natural breathing and will help you develop a deeper voice that resonates with power which sounds really great to listen to.

6- It's also possible to try to practice scream singing: However, make sure you do not over do this scream-singing exercise! It may harm your vocal cords if you over do it and you could end up ruining your How to Make Your Voice Deeper efforts.
Scream/sing along heavy metal adding the growling sounds they frequently make in their signing. Again do not over do this. Make sure you give yourself some well-deserved breaks when doing this exercise. At first, this sing/scream exercise might hurt or itch or tickle your throat when you first try it, but when you get used to it, your voice gets much deeper.

7- For those who have been trying the above tips and have not succeeded yet, then I'll suggest you get more advanced tips on how to make your voice deeper by getting a copy of Rudy Haynes Deep Voice Mastery Program. It is a great and very effective voice training course which has been helping thousand of individuals round the world, training their speaking voice and making it sound deeper.

Click here: The Deep Voice mastery Guide, to read more about this voice training program.

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Related articles on deep voice training: Deep Voice Mastery Review, deep voice mastery.

Tags: Getting a Deeper Voice, Training the Speaking Voice, Speaking Voice Training, How you can Make Your Voice Deeper

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