Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Showing Off the Fun Way in YoVille

Showing Off the Fun Way in YoVille

YoVille is a bit different from other Facebook games in a variety of ways. You don’t spend nearly as much time playing the game as you would expect. Instead, you are socializing with your friends, talking to them about the game or just discussing your real lives in general. It’s more of an interactive chat room than anything else. But, that doesn’t mean you won’t want to show off your characters and all the cool things you’ve bought for your home and avatar while leveling up. Here are some tips to creating the biggest and most interactive experience you can for your profile.

Click here to get The Yoville Secret Guide and Learn How To Better Play The Game!

Working with the Best Houses
If you click on the real estate firm located on the main map, you’ll see that there are quite a few houses you can choose from to buy and integrate into your character’s Yo life. These houses range in price anywhere from 5,000 coins to 55 YoVille Cash. Most of the homes are available only for YoVille cash, and they are fun and interesting options there – including Treehouses, Haunted Houses, and a Mafia Don’s Villa.

Make sure that as soon as you can afford it, you take the opportunity to upgrade your house and start adding some fun new items to it. The rooms you have will still be tied to your level and how high you are in the game, but the rest is entirely up to you.

Showing Off without Being Rude
It’s one thing to show off. It’s another entirely to be a jerk and rub people’s faces in it. Don’t be rude – but spend some time showing your fellow players what you’ve accomplished. Invite people over for events, ask them to visit and comment on your house or do lots of missions so they return the favor. However you do it, get people over to see what you’re doing without being rude.

YoVille is all about fun. You should not be rude, but you should have fun showing your fellow players what you’ve been able to do that they may not have or haven’t quite gotten to yet. That means spending lots and lots of coins. So, be sure to login to the game every day and spend as much time as possible learning the ins and outs of the interface. When you do that, and are able to show your fellow players your prowess, you’ll know you’ve hit the top of the YoVille pyramid.

Do You Want To Play Yoville Like A True Pro? This YoVille Mogul Unleashes World’s Best Strategies for the ALL TIME Favorite Facebook Game In This Great YoVille Guide!
Click on the follwoing link to instantly Download The Yoville Secrets Guide

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