Sunday, 7 February 2010

Stage Hypnosis is a Form of Entertainment…Not Really Persuasion.

Stage Hypnosis is a Form of Entertainment…Not Really Persuasion.

Did you know that Ericksonian Hypnosis is a form of therapy…not Persuasion? It is obvious!

Disguised Hypnosis”, on the other hand, is totally designed to help people acquire leverage and power so that they can easily master the art of persuasion in order to get more of what they want out of life.

Click Here to Take a Look at The Disguised Hypnosis Official Website

Most of the hypnosis programs in bookstores and on the internet have little, if anything whatsoever, to do with the Persuasion Process. Think about it: Name one world leader, politician, or extremely rich and powerful person who is using Stage Hypnosis to get the things they want.

It sounds crazy, but a lot of Stage Hypnotist are running around entering the self-help industry and trying to convince people that their “secrets” will help people master the art of persuasion. They’ve got to be kidding, right?

Most of the Hypnosis Programs on the internet can be broken down into two sections:

1. Ericksonian Hypnosis

2. Stage Hypnosis

Ericksonian Hypnosis uses language patterns along with certain words and phrases to hypnotize people. But, this type of hypnosis only works for therapeutic purposes. It takes a long time to get most of these language patterns into someone’s mind, and it must have the proper therapeutic context to survive in. This type of hypnosis is good for pain control, but it’s not good for Persuasion.

An example of how Ericksonain Hypnosis doesn’t work outside of clinical settings would be for you to try to give someone an embedded commandment. Embedded commandments have all this “hype” surrounding them, and yet they seldom work. They only have a consistent success rate in therapy. Unless you’re trying to cure someone of a headache, I wouldn’t recommend trying to use an embedded commandment to get a better raise at work. Your boss might think you’re weird and fire you.

Now, Stage Hypnosis is a form of entertainment where the hypnotist will ask for volunteers to come up on stage. After the volunteers come up on stage, the hypnotist gets them to cluck like chickens and to act out other strange forms of behavior that they wouldn’t normally act out. But notice how Stage Hypnosis requires volunteers.

In a real persuasion process, you can’t expect a person to volunteer to give you want you want. And this isn’t to mention that the stage hypnotist never once gets people to do anything that is of any real value. Who cares if you can make people dance around and cluck like chickens?

These are just a couple quick examples that show you the superiority of “Disguised Hypnosis” within the context of The Arts of Persuasion and acquiring power.

To learn how you can empower yourself, check out the official site here:

Do You Want Instantly Master the Arts of Influence and Hypnotic Mind Control? Click on the following link to Instantly Download The Disguised Hypnosis Program

Do You Want To Learn How You Can Effectively Empower Yourself? Do You Want Instantly Master the Arts of Influence and Hypnotic Mind Control?
Click HERE ==> Disguised Hypnosis Program to visit The Disguised Hypnosis Official Website.

Disguised Hypnosis: Review For The Disguised Hypnosis Program,How you can hypnotize somebody in so as to make them obey you instantly, Stage Hypnosis is a Form of Entertainment…Not Really Persuasion., Disguised Hypnosis Vs Ericksonian Hypnosis

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