Monday 30 August 2010

Easy Ways to Make Your Voice Low - Drills to Help Deepen Your Voice and make it Sound Lower and Really Sexy

Guides to Make Your Voice Low - Training to Help Deepen Your Voice and make it Sound Lower and Really Sexy

Low and deep voices are the voices that which are often preferred by most people not only because it commands respect and trust, but it also makes a man truly desirable and attractive to women. It is a common fact that not all men have naturally low and deep voice. So to speak, this kind of voice requires mastery by hours, days and even months of studying.

Here are some helpful techniques on how to make your voice low:

1. In a silent room, say the words “bing-bong”, “king-kong” and “ding-dong” slowly and yet clearly.

2. Do not force your voice to get deeper. Just recite the said words in your normal everyday voice.

3. Prolong the sound of “ng”.

4. Gradually practice to deepen your voice as you recite each of the words mentioned above.

5. Do this everyday for one week, preferably in the morning. Repeat the words three times every session.

6. After a week of practicing the above-mentioned steps, do the second set of exercises. This time, you have to look at the ceiling.

7. With your head tilted back while looking at the ceiling, recite the same words and prolonging the sound of “ng” at the end of each of the three words. Notice that as you speak, it becomes a little difficult to utter the words because the vocal chords are stretched.

8.Repeat the words twice only per session. Do the session for once a day for one week.

Note: do not overdo the said exercises because it may cause damage to your vocal chords.

Do you want to naturally deepen your voice within just nine days of performing some simple, yet very effective voice deepening exercises? If yes, then you need to get a copy of Rudy Haynes Deep Voice Master Guide.

Click here ==> The Deep Voice Master Guide, to read more about this natural voice training guide that has been helping thousands of people allover the world, teaching them how to quickly transform their high-pitched squeaky voice, into a deep, strong and sexy voice in just 9 days!

Do You Want a Free 7 Days E-Course On "Deep Voice Training"?
Click here to To Get It ==> How you can Make Your Voice Deep


Allied posts on deep voice training: Deep Voice Mastery Review, the deep voice mastery.

Keyword Articles: The Advantages of a Deep Voice,Best Ways to Naturally Deepen the Tone of Your Voice,The Best Ways Your Voice Low,How to Develop a Deep Voice

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