Friday 27 August 2010

How to Develop a Deep Voice - Steps on How to Deepen Your Voice No Matter How High- Pitched It Is

How to Build up a Deep Voice - Steps on How to Deepen Your Voice No Matter How High- Pitched It Is

Most men would definitely acquire more confidence if they have a deep and rich voice. A deep voice for a man is a plus factor in personality while a high-pitched one can only mean humiliation. For this, a lot of men are looking for ways on how to develop a deep voice that they could follow religiously. The question now for some is - are the steps on how to accomplish and how to develop a deep voice easy to grasp and easy to follow?

Developing a deep sounding voice does not require the help of a professional voice coach. It can start from oneself. All you need is to improve the following areas of your personality:

• Good posture: while speaking, maintain a straight head with chin up.

• The source of voice: it must come from the diaphragm and not from the chest.

• Refrain from talking too fast. Faster speech tempo can result to a high-pitch voice due to the tenseness of the larynx. Keep it relaxed by talking slowly.

• Avoid smoking, please. Cigarette smoking damages our throat and lungs. It tightens the muscle in these areas and therefore giving more pressure for the speaker while speaking. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, so to speak. Others may be bragging that they have that deep voice despite smoking and drinking, but what they do not know is that they are putting extra effort to make their voice better.

• You can also practice speaking in the comfort and solitude of your room. Words such as “boom-boom”, “dong-dong” and the likes should be spoken to achieve the desired deep voice resonance.

Do you want to naturally deepen your voice within just nine days of performing some simple, yet very effective voice deepening exercises? If yes, then you need to get a copy of Rudy Haynes Deep Voice Master Guide.

Click here ==> The Deep Voice Master Guide, to read more about this natural voice training guide that has been helping thousands of people allover the world, teaching them how to quickly transform their high-pitched squeaky voice, into a deep, strong and sexy voice in just 9 days!

Do You Want a Free 7 Days E-Course On "Deep Voice Training"?
Click here to To Get It ==> Tips to Make Your Voice Deep and sound really good


Related reports on deep voice training: Deep Voice Mastery Review, the deep voice mastery guide.

Tags: The Benefits of a Deep Voice,Naturally Deepen the Tone of Your Voice,How to Make Your Voice Low,Easy Methods to Develop a Deep Voice

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