Thursday 26 August 2010

What Can Make My Voice Deeper? - Deep Voice Training Exercises that You Can Use to Naturally Deepen your Voice

What Can Make My Voice Deeper? - Deep Voice Training Exercises that You Can Use to Naturally Deepen your Voice

A low and deep voice is something that most men are not born with. It is a fact that men who have deep voice are more preferred than those that who have squeaky and high-pitched voice. A deep voice projects self-confidence, trustworthiness, attractiveness and many other desirable traits. Even during job interviews, interviewers are more impressed with applicants that speak with a deep voice.

Most men that do not posses a natural deep voice usually ask this question: ‘what can make my voice deeper?” The answer lies on doing some of the most effective techniques in getting the desired deep voice and this include voice-training exercises.

To start with, a voice-training exercise begins with neck exercises. Begin with doing some neck stretching and bending to release muscle tensions within these areas. Some people may think that neck exercises have nothing to do with the achievement of deep voice but they certainly have. By releasing muscle tension around the neck and the vocal cords, your vocal chords will not get a hard time producing deep voice during practice and therefore, improving voice resonance.

Good body posture is also important. Notice the difference in your voice pitch when your chin is closer to your chest and when your chin is up and far from your chest. If you keep on slouching, you will not be able to produce voice that is deep.

Practice producing deep voice everyday. There are voice exercises that are proven to be effective. You might try various set of exercises one at a time, as long as it will not damage your vocal chords, then it is worth trying.

Do you want to naturally deepen your voice within just nine days of performing some simple, yet very effective voice deepening exercises? If yes, then you need to get a copy of Rudy Haynes Deep Voice Master Guide.

Click here ==> The Deep Voice Master Guide, to read more about this natural voice training guide that has been helping thousands of people allover the world, teaching them how to quickly transform their high-pitched squeaky voice, into a deep, strong and sexy voice in just 9 days!

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