When you're thinking about starting an intense athletic regimen like a vertical jump program, there are certain preventative measures you can take to be sure that you're safe and ready to start with no worries. Parents, especially, have concerns that a workout regimen will be too difficult for their child. However, a vertical jump program with the right regimens in place will actually be ideal for a developing athlete, because they will be able to grow in a controlled environment as opposed to chasing gains on their own.
First step is to look for a vertical jump program that provides a workout regimen based on maximum ability. Rather than a certain weight limit, it should be totally based on what the individual can lift on his or her own, whether it's pressing 5 lbs or 500. This will ensure the right amount of weight for each individual.
Next step is to ensure proper recovery. The following rule will help you: Never work out the same muscle within 24-48 hours.
Enthusiastic athletes may believe that the more you work, the more gains you'll receive, but in the case of muscle growth this simply is not so. The growth occurs outside of the workout, so taking an extra rest day is never a bad idea.
Consider investing in ice wraps. Convenient, cheap, and effective, these can be purchased at any athletic outlet. Simply store them in the freezer and place them on your knees-the part of your body most likely to be affected by an intense workout-after you return from the gym. Your knees will thank you.
A vertical jump program is a wonderful tool for any athlete, from the age of nine to ninety, if taken with a focus on your individual body's needs and capabilities. However, there are some people who need to consult a doctor before starting any intense athletic regimen. Those include athletes who have sustained a serious injury in the past in which jumping could aggravate the injury, or who have heart or other serious conditions. If you are medically obese or have not undertaken exercise in over two years, see a physician for advice on starting a vertical jump program.
If you're like most athletes who want to leap higher, you need quick, effective ways to put on muscle. Do you want to learn actionable ways to get the results you want? Would you like more tips for how to jump higher? Are you a dedicated athlete with a desire to excel at your sport? Do you want to use the best and most effective vertical jump training system to greatly increase your jump height? If yes, then you need to join Jacob Hiller's Jump Manual Program.
Click here ==> Jump Manual, to read more about this Vertical Jump Training Program, and how it ranks with other Popular Vertical Jump Training Systems out there.
Related articles: Jacob Hiller's Jumping Manual On ESPN, Free Vertical Jump Training Tips
Article By Jacob Hiller: Jacob Hiller is the creator of a bestselling vertical jump program "The Jump Manual", and he is considered one of the world's foremost authorities on vertical jump training. Click on the following link to visit his website: Jacob Hiller's Jump Manual
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