Friday, 26 March 2010

Vertical Jump Training - Top Three Aspects You Need to Know About to Succeed in a Vertical Program

Vertical Jump Training - Top Three Aspects You Need to Know About to Succeed in a Vertical Program

I'm going to go over the top three aspects that are most important in a vertical training program. These are the top three things you need to focus on in order to obtain maximum explosion.

Variables in a vertical jump program work together in a synergistic effect. When you train one variable, it might help you in another aspect. As you improve each aspect of the jump training program, you're going to notice that all of the components will work together. We call that synergy; it's kind of the buzzword for an instance when one plus one equals three. The parts of the jump training program working together will create a whole that is greater than each one working individually.

The first vertical jump training aspect is strength, your ability to generate force.

There is more than one type of strength. In order to jump higher, we're working on fast twitch muscle strength; not just the ability to lift something up, but to do so quickly.

The second vertical jump training aspect is quickness.

The first aspect is strength; the second is quickness. How fast you are able to generate force is going to create explosion.

Strength plus quickness equals explosion.

It's a pretty simple formula but it makes sense. If you're able to generate a thousand pounds of force but you can do it in a split second, it's going to create some propulsion. So strength and quickness are the top two facets of a vertical jump program.

The third vertical jump training aspect is neurological recruitment.

The third one you may never have heard of; it's called neurological recruitment. For example, when you do any type of exercise, your body is recruiting a certain amount of muscle fibers, and is recruiting them in a certain way, so you can generate your force and quickness. You can train your body to recruit more muscle fibers and you can train them to do it quicker.

Here is an example of why we're not all using our muscle recruiting to our top capacity:

We all have something in our bodies called the Golgi tendon organ and that's something that keeps our bodies from using too much force. You've heard of people who have been able to save their children from underneath a car. They have a rush of adrenaline which bypasses the Golgi tendon organ, which would usually stop the muscle contraction, and lets them generate all the force that they're capable of. It's exceptional to know that we have the capacity to do a whole lot more than even our body will allow us to do unless we have enough adrenaline (or energy or focus) going on.

There are so many things that you're not targeting that could be getting you quick results to improving your vertical leap. Do you want to learn other actionable ways to get the results you want? Sign up here for free vertical leap training.

Jacob Hiller is the creator of a bestselling vertical leap program called The Jump Manual and is considered one of the world's foremost authorities on vertical leap training. Jacob says, "No matter who you are, I can help you add at least 10 inches to your vertical, guaranteed."

If you're like most athletes who Want to Jump higher, you need quick, effective ways to put on muscle. Do you want to learn actionable ways to get the results you want? Would you like more tips for how to jump higher? Are you a dedicated athlete with a desire to excel at your sport? Do you want to use the best and most effective vertical jump training system to greatly increase your jump height? If yes, then you need to join Jacob Hiller's Jump Manual Program.

Click here ==> The Jump Manual, to read more about this Vertical Jump Training Program, and how it ranks with other Popular Vertical Jump Training Systems out there.

Related articles: Jacob Hiller's Jumping Manual On ESPN, Free Vertical Jump Training Tips


Article By Jacob Hiller: Jacob Hiller is the creator of a bestselling vertical jump program "The Jump Manual", and he is considered one of the world's foremost authorities on vertical jump training. Click on the following link to visit his website: Jacob Hiller's Jump Manual

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