Friday, 26 March 2010

Six Weaknesses Women Should Watch Out For When Training Their Vertical Jump

Six Weaknesses Women Should Watch Out For When Training Their Vertical Jump

Here are six common misconceptions and weaknesses women face when during weight training and while seeking to increase their vertical jump. Be aware of these, and half the battle's won.

1. Lack of speed.

If you wish to increase your vertical jump, you need to have explosive power. The ability to exert explosive power entails a necessity to create the movement efficiently. Rather than focusing all energy on increasing weight to get stronger, put a higher focus on quickness-training exercises. These might include plyometrics, jump rope, and footwork training exercises.

2. Not enough weight training

Contrary to popular belief, women actually need an equal amount of volume and frequency in training as men do even with their lower strength capacity; the training should simply be in proportion to their strength.

3. Fear of becoming masculine during weight training

Because women don't produce the same amount of testosterone that men do, this simply isn't going to happen. Increasing strength will result in a toned look, not a masculine one. This mental block will inhibit your capacity to becoming your strongest self if you let it. Lifting weights will be a great asset to you as you seek to add inches to your vertical.

4. Lack of flexibility

A weight training program will actually help to increase the flexibility of your muscles; not stiffen them. Flexibility will ultimately also improve your form, which will automatically add inches to your vertical.

5. An unnecessary amount of fat

You can't turn fat into muscle, but you can rid your body of excess fat while increasing muscle strength through weight training. However, it is normal and natural for women to have greater amounts of body fat than men.

6. A poor diet

Getting enough protein in your system is vital to keeping the gains you make in your muscle at the weight room. Without protein, you won't be able to notice a sustainable difference as you work to increase power to fuel your vertical jump.

Overcoming these misconceptions should increase your overall athleticism and help you reach your vertical jump goals.

If you're like most athletes who want to leap higher, you need quick, effective ways to put on muscle. Do you want to learn actionable ways to get the results you want? Would you like more tips for how to jump higher? Are you a dedicated athlete with a desire to excel at your sport? Do you want to use the best and most effective vertical jump training system to greatly increase your jump height? If yes, then you need to join Jacob Hiller's Jump Manual Program.

Click here ==> Jump Manual, to read more about this Vertical Jump Training Program, and how it ranks with other Popular Vertical Jump Training Systems out there.

Related articles: Jacob Hiller's Jumping Manual On ESPN, Free Vertical Jump Training Tips


Article By Jacob Hiller: Jacob Hiller is the creator of a bestselling vertical jump program "The Jump Manual", and he is considered one of the world's foremost authorities on vertical jump training. Click on the following link to visit his website: Jacob Hiller's Jump Manual

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