Sunday, 28 March 2010

Vertical Jump Program Marketing Tricks

Vertical Jump Program Marketing Tricks

When it comes to vertical jump programs, as you explore the many options for improving your vertical jump, you should be aware of some of the following tricks that marketers employ. Here are some frequent marketing tricks:

Buyer Beware: Bogus Bonuses

Often the value of bonuses is overestimated and underqualified. Here's a hint: the creator themselves decides the dollar value of the bonus, but since it's not actually for sale, it isn't necessarily a true "retail value."

Bottom line? Look for bonuses that have had a positive reaction, either by their interesting nature or by the fact that they provide results. Extra reading material that's all frosting when you need something more hearty is already too plentiful on the internet. Look for quality bonuses that can actually help you jump higher.

Buyer Beware: Implied Associations

This means that a product claims to have associations with famous people. This is may or may not be true, but is often hard to verify.

On the other hand, real associations with successful people can be a good thing for you as the purchaser if there are ways you can be benefited. For example, being told that your coach has trained other professional athletes but who can't list a single athlete he has trained is a red flag... yet, an interview with a super famous coach who has trained countless athletes might be very informative.

Bottom line? Look for ways that implied associations with famous, rich, successful people can benefit you, instead of simply allowing the framing of the product's seller as extra special for having all those cool associations.

Buyer Beware: Higher prices don't always equal higher value

Of course, you've already learned this lesson as a customer. Just because something costs more definitely doesn't mean it's higher quality. BUT, of course, it sometimes can. Rather than choosing a product based on the price, it is better to choose based on what you're getting for the price as well as what you specifically need.

You can buy all the vertical jump programs you want for $10 a pop, but if they don't add inches to your vertical, you will end up spending more money in your search. This is why buying value over cheap quality actually saves you money in the long run.

Buyer Beware: Iffy refund policies

Most products online come with a refund policy that guarantees the product. However, some vertical jump programs require that you provide proof, either by workout charts or working with the creator of the program, that you did not get results. Not only is that a hassle, it can be a little hard to judge exactly if your proof is measuring up. Look for a refund policy that is simple, of the no questions asked, guaranteed variety.

By the way... These 3 great Vertical Jump Training Programs can teach you just everything you need to know so as to quickly, and effectively increase your vertical jump height!
Click here ==> Jump Manual Reviews, to check them out!

Related articles: Jacob Hiller's Jumping Manual, Free Vertical Jump Training Tips


Article By Jacob Hiller: Jacob Hiller is the creator of a bestselling vertical jump program "The Jump Manual", and he is considered one of the world's foremost authorities on vertical jump training. Click on the following link to visit his website: Jacob Hiller's Jump Manual

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