Sunday, 28 March 2010

Vertical Jump Training - Four Myths Debunked

Vertical Jump Training - Four Myths Debunked

For decades, athletes have had to either have incredible natural talent, ingenuity, discipline, or all three to achieve results in vertical jump training and have a vert of 40 inches or more. In the last 5 years, great strides have been made in the vertical jump training field with the release of programs and the development of experts who can guide athletes with correct principles.

Although we've come a long way in the sports of volleyball, basketball, football, and other sports requiring a high vertical jump, unfortunately there are still some persisting myths that make athletes hesitant about starting a program. The following is an explanation of four common myths debunked.

1. Creatine isn't safe/is illegal/shouldn't be used in a workout.

Did you know creatine is produced naturally in the body? Most professional athletes use creatine to help them get the most out of their workout routines. It's completely legal, and is very effective. With that said, do your own research to decide what's best for you. You'll probably learn that as long as you take the correct dosages, maintain a healthy diet, and drink plenty of water, that creatine will be most useful to you in your search for faster, better results.

2. Protein shakes will stunt your growth.

If this were true, then eating 4 cans of tuna a day would do the same. You are free to only receive protein from whole foods such as chicken; protein shakes just makes getting the protein a little easier. Protein is a necessary part of any diet.

3. Even though my muscles are sore, it's okay to continue my workout.

No way. This isn't a good idea. Did you know that recovery is equally important to the workout itself? Never be afraid to take one, two, or even a week's worth of days off if you aren't feeling up to par. Learn to listen to your body. You will get the most out of your workouts that way, and achieve more results.

4. Because I have been injured in the past, I can no longer participate in a vertical jump training program.

Well, this is only half true. It depends on the nature of your injury. But don't give up hope; ask around and learn more to see if a training program is within your limits.

The vertical jump training industry is growing quite quickly, and in the process, long-held myths are being uncovered and debunked by the experts. Because of new technology and studies that are coming out all the time, improving the field, the average jumper has never had a better chance at dunking than now.

By the way... These 3 great Vertical Jump Training Programs can teach you just everything you need to know so as to quickly, and effectively increase your vertical jump height!
Click here ==> Jump Manual Reviews, to check them out!

Related articles: Jacob Hiller's Jumping Manual, Free Vertical Jump Training Tips


Article By Jacob Hiller: Jacob Hiller is the creator of a bestselling vertical jump program "The Jump Manual", and he is considered one of the world's foremost authorities on vertical jump training. Click on the following link to visit his website: Jacob Hiller's Jump Manual

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