Monday 22 March 2010

Increase Jumping Ability Through Diet - A Vertical Jump Trainer's Personal Perspective

Increase Jumping Ability Through Diet - A Vertical Jump Trainer's Personal Perspective

Vertical jump diet is a make-or-break kind of deal for getting the results you want.

Now, you don't need to get faddy with the diet, you don't need to get overzealous about having this crazy diet -a diet is really one of the hardest things to keep with your workout. But it's very, very important. Let me give you an example.

When I was doing some weightlifting before, I wanted to get to two hundred and fifteen pounds. And at the time, I was two hundred pounds. I'm six foot four, two hundred pounds, very high metabolism, so, it is really hard for me to gain weight. I struggled for one year trying to get to two hundred and fifteen pounds. Very hard workouts. Very intense workouts. And wondering why I wasn't putting on the type of muscle I wanted to put on. I was talking to all my friends who were bodybuilders, a lot them were a lot bigger than I was, and I was just wondering what I needed to do. They all told me, "You need to eat more, eat more, eat more." And I just kind of moved it aside and trained harder.

So if you're one of the people who's out there training very hard and wondering where your results are at, this tip might help.

Anyways, what I ended up doing is I changed to a fairly strict diet. I would have a protein shake in the morning mixed with some crushed up oatmeal, and then I would have one in the afternoon, at night. I would have a big lunch, a big dinner, and intermixed I'd have a total of about five protein shakes. Now that's fairly extreme, and you don't need to do that. But what happened is, in about four to six months, I put on thirty pounds of muscle.

When I was training hard and eating right, I put it on quicker than I ever have before. And I've since lost all that weight. You look at me now: I'm actually about two hundred and five pounds now. I've lost all that weight. But I'm also not eating as strictly as I should be.

By the way... are you a dedicated athlete with a desire to excel at your sport? would you like more tips on how to jump higher? Do you want to use the best and most effective vertical jump training system to greatly increase your jump height? If yes, then you need to join Jacob Hiller's Jump Manual Program.
Click here ==> The Jump Manual, to read more about this Vertical Jump Training Program, and how it ranks with other Popular Vertical Jump Training Systems out there.

Related articles: Jacob Hiller's Jumping Manual, Free Vertical Jump Training


Article By Jacob Hiller: Jacob Hiller is the creator of a bestselling vertical jump program "The Jump Manual", and he is considered one of the world's foremost authorities on vertical jump training. Click on the following link to visit his website: Jacob Hiller's Jump Manual

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