Wednesday 24 March 2010

What Women Should Be Aware of Before Starting a Vertical Jump Program

What Women Should Be Aware of Before Starting a Vertical Jump Program

More and more, female athletes are beginning to realize the benefits of pursuing a vertical jump program to increase one of the most basic and vital elements of athletic excellence. Never before has the potential to be a better, stronger, and faster athlete been available for women of all ages and athletes of all sports.

This great vertical jump training program teaches you every thing you need to know so as to quickly increase your vertical jump! Click on on the follwoing link to check it out: Jump Manual Review

Women have different challenges than men when it comes to training; however, with the appropriate assessments, a solid vertical program should be effective for people of both sexes.

If you're a woman and concerned about reaching your greatest potential without doing harm to your body, don't worry. Staying safe and achieving your potential in vertical jump aren't contradictory if you take precautionary measures.

When you meet with your coach or trainer for the first time, or if you are thinking about starting a vertical jump program, be aware of the following:

1. Posture. Women often have greater postural difficulties than men, due to a wider pelvis and hips, creating a stronger pull of the quads on the patella. This often makes women more susceptible to knee injuries. Learn steps you can take to avoid damaging your patella. This can include doing exercises to strengthen the joints around the knee.

2. Bar placement. During squats, it's common for women to have problems with bar comfort during squats because of less overall upper-body strength and muscle mass. You should adjust for this by paying attention to weight load and number of sets.

3. Hormonal differences. First of all, it is not recommended to pursue an exercise regime if you are pregnant. Depending on the stage in your menstrual cycle, you may find your joints to be weaker or that you are more prone to injury. On the other hand, during ovulation, testosterone production is the highest, making it an ideal time to load on the weights.

4. Hyperlodosis is a condition found in women who often wear high heeled shoes, which hyper extend the knees. If this posture is not corrected when playing sports, injury could result due to muscle imbalances.

5. Women who have had C-sections often need to relearn how to tighten abdominal muscles. A tight musculature is important during squats and deadlifts.

6. In addition, lower back training, necessary for both men and women, should be included to counterbalance abdominal training.

These six tips should get you started on your goal of improving your vertical as a female athlete.

Finally, you never want to compromise your health, so be sure to train with a competent professional to ensure your maximal gains while preserving your health.

Now that you've got some ideas about ways to improve your vertical jump, would you like more tips for how to jump higher? Are you a dedicated athlete with a desire to excel at your sport? Do you want to use the best and most effective vertical jump training system to greatly increase your jump height? If yes, then you need to join Jacob Hiller's Jump Manual Program.

Click here ==> The Jump Manual, to read more about this Vertical Jump Training Program, and how it ranks with other Popular Vertical Jump Training Systems out there.

Related articles: Jacob Hiller's Jumping Manual On ESPN, Free Vertical Jump Training Tips


Article By Jacob Hiller: Jacob Hiller is the creator of a bestselling vertical jump program "The Jump Manual", and he is considered one of the world's foremost authorities on vertical jump training. Click on the following link to visit his website: Jacob Hiller's Jump Manual

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